Coaching: Sustaining Productivity In A Virtual World
Year-End Special Offer
KDEL offers a pre-recorded video of the full coaching sessions that show leaders how to maintain the productivity of their remotely located team members without micro-management. The aim is to equip clients with a road-map for overseeing optimized team performance.
Get this training at a heavily discounted price of $39.00; make your payment below:
Full Coaching Program
If your organization is utilizing virtual workers, experiencing remote productivity challenges, and therefore looking for productivity sustenance strategies, then this virtual, live, group-based, and 4-session coaching program applies.
The questions to ask your leadership are: Is there a clamor for virtual work since the global pandemic hit? Have productivity and response times been negatively impacted? Are your remote workers beginning to baulk at comprehensive supervision? Do you feel that your leaders and supervisors are “flying blind”? Do your measuring benchmarks feel obsolete or ineffective? Have your economic fortunes plummeted? Are your leaders wondering how to sustain outputs or inspire high productivity?
For stay-at-home business owners, this coaching program will give you a direction and some push on how to maintain, and then improve, your productivity while working virtually. For bosses and managers, the program will solidify your resolve and give you a roadmap to motivate and supervise your remote workers to high performance. Finally, this coaching program will review practices that leverage current social distancing mandates to stay productive and profitable.
Priced at $500.00 per participant.
Click the payment link below to grab your seats; attendance instructions will be emailed to your organization’s HR specialist.
Need more information? Then schedule a FREE 30-minute phone session at